
AnarchyReigns(マックスアナーキー)MaxAnarchyisanonlinebeat'emupbeingdevelopedbyPlatinumGamesandpublishedbySega.,AnarchyReigns,knowninJapanasMaxAnarchy,isanopenworldbeat'emupvideogamedevelopedbyPlatinumGamesandpublishedbySega.,評分4.3(139)Takeontherolesofimaginativehumanandcyborgcharactersinover-the-topclosecombatinAnarchyReigns.Mastereachoftheeightcharacter'suniquestyle, ...,Theautonomousdefens...

Max - Anarchy Reigns Wiki

Anarchy Reigns (マックスアナーキー) Max Anarchy is an online beat 'em up being developed by Platinum Games and published by Sega.

Anarchy Reigns

Anarchy Reigns, known in Japan as Max Anarchy, is an open world beat 'em up video game developed by PlatinumGames and published by Sega.

Anarchy Reigns - Playstation 3 : Sega of America Inc

評分 4.3 (139) Take on the roles of imaginative human and cyborg characters in over-the-top close combat in Anarchy Reigns. Master each of the eight character's unique style, ...

Anarchy Reigns in Call of Duty

The autonomous defense system destroys a limited number of incoming explosives while active so that you can focus on the enemy in front of you ...

SEGA Anarchy Reigns Video Games for sale

Anarchy Reigns (Microsoft Xbox 360, 2013) Brand New and Factory Sealed. Tears.

Anarchy Reigns review

評分 3.0 · Lucas Sullivan · It's short, predictable, and pretty darn easy to beat--but the single-player campaign is exceptionally entertaining while it lasts.

Anarchy Reigns Reviews

評分 73% (38) Anarchy Reigns is a solid 3rd person brawler. The gameplay is great,with a deep and satisfying combat system,dynamic events such as bombings of the area you are ...


Anarchy Reigns follows the adventures of two lead characters, Jack and Leo, and contains a separate story for each one. Play both and see how their paths differ ...

Anarchy Reigns

A 3D third-person (over-the-shoulder) fighting game designed for competitive play, combining ease-of-use with a high skill ceiling. Featuring free movement, ...

Is anarchy reigns good? It looks really fun but honestly I'd only be ...

Anarchy Reigns is really fun. You can play as her in the story after completing it, in which you can play the story with any character after you finish it.